• 常用转让条款

    Co-enrolled siblings are brothers or sisters who live in the same household and will be enrolled in the same school/program at the same time (one sibling must be currently enrolled at the requested school/program). Co-enrolled sibling applicants receive preference in lottery and petition applications to their first-choice school.  

    Beginning in 2015, Kindergarten is a full-day program free at ALL schools to ALL PPS families. For more information, contact the program manager at 503-916-3230 or nhauth@pps.网.

    A school or program structured around a unique curriculum, such as a language immersion program. 焦点的选择s are also referred to as mag网, special focus and designated special programs.    

    焦点的选择 lottery preference for low-income students
    Students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals or who attend a 头开始 Pre-k are eligible for preference into ten focus option schools and programs. The preference applies to focus option schools/programs where the rate of students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals is below the district average. 有资格获得优先权, submit a lottery application and a confidential income eligibility form by the transfer deadline.

    The lottery is designed to help balance each school's proportion of male and female students, 随着时间的推移, to more closely reflect the gender averages of the district. 因此, if a male student applies to a school with a higher percentage of female students, the lottery will slightly increase the odds of acceptance, while it will slightly decrease the odds of acceptance to a school with more male students. 只适用于抽奖, non-binary students are placed in the lottery category that offers the best chance of placement.

    链接的兄弟应用程序 are lottery or petition applications for children living in the same household applying for the same schools/programs at the same grade level. When applications are linked, all siblings receive the same results: approved, denied or waitlisted. Linking applications does not improve chance for approval.  To link your students applications please call the 入学和转学 Center at 503-916-3205.

    A school serving a designated attendance area. To identify the schools serving an address within the Portland Public School District, go to http://asap.heparrest.net/Page/126.

    A request to transfer into a different neighborhood school or into certain grades at focus options.

    PPS offers several pre-kindergarten programs through the 资助项目 (Title I) department. Application information will be available in the spring at on the 资助计划页面 或者拨打503-916-3789.

    The focus option lottery and petition process are open only to students whose home addresses are within the PPS school district boundary. Families enrolling their children for the first time, 或者搬到别的地方, must provide two pieces of proof of residence to their neighborhood or current school. Some immersion programs provide preference based on home address. If a student moves to a different address before the start of the school year, 传输结果可能会改变.

    A list of applicants who were not approved to a choice due to space, but who could be offered a transfer slot if an approved transfer student forfeits his/her space. The wait list will be in effect until the 20th day of school in the fall of each year.

    District operated or community-based schools and programs developed to meet the needs of a specific student population. 另类教育选择 generally offer something different from or in addition to the regular curriculum and may offer different grade structures and school hours. Program and enrollment information is available at http://asap.heparrest.net/multiplepathwaystograduation.  

    A public school operated by a group of parents, teachers and/or community members as a semi-autonomous school of choice within a school district. Each charter school has a separate application procedures. PPS charter school enrollment information is available at http://asap.heparrest.net/multiplepathwaystograduation.