
  • 标记协调员:  考特尼Pawol


    Parents and 老师 can nominate 学生 for the 天才和天才 (标签) program in three areas:  Intellectual, 数学, 和阅读.  The nomination forms are available on the 标签 Bulletin Board at the intersection of the main hallway and primary hallway and in the office.  The form requires parents and 老师 to complete a short survey regarding their observations of the student as well as require the teacher to provide test history and work samples. 

    All nominated 学生 at Stephenson will be tested according to the district assessment calendar with the specific dates still to be determined.  Students scoring in the 97th percentile and above have the opportunity of being identified as 标签.  Students scoring  in the 95th-96th percentile have the opportunity of being identified as 标签 Potential.  While the identification designation is different, the student will receive all services and opportunities as a 标签 student. 

    标签 test scores are only one component of the identification process. The 标签 Team also considers parent and teacher survey results, 学生作业样本, and other school assessment scores such as DRA, 读写能力评估, 桥梁单元测试,Scott Foresman baseline tests, 和橡树.

    Current 标签 Student Services for the 2019-2020  School Year

    • Students receive differentiated instruction within the classroom
    • Students have opportunities to extend and/or deepen understanding within the classroom
    • Students have challenge assignments within the classroom
    • Students/Parents are notified of various special program opportunities such as Oregon Battle of the Books, Oregon Writing Festival in the spring, summer camp at Reed 大学, and Saturday Academy classes


  • If your child is identified as a Talented And Gifted child, please check out the following links:

    Portland Public Schools 标签 resources

    Oregon Association for 天才和天才 - The Oregon Association for 天才和天才 (OA标签) is a 状态wide parent group interested in promoting growth opportunities for talented and gifted 学生 in Oregon. OA标签 is the 状态 affiliate for the National Association of Gifted Children. Members of the organization advocate at the local, 状态, and national levels for the needs of gifted 学生. OA标签 works to better meet the needs of Oregon's gifted 学生 by developing partnerships with Oregon's various educational groups. OA标签 also serves as a resource for parents, 老师, 区, and higher educational institutions on topics and issues related to gifted education.

    Annual OA标签 membership is $29.99. More information on OA标签 can be found by 点击这里. 要成为会员, complete the membership application online at the OA标签 website or request an application by writing to: OA标签, P.O. Box 1703, Beaverton, OR 97075.

    OA标签其实 - The OA标签其实 is a great source of information on gifted and talented issues in Oregon schools and legislature information. Your input is welcome and joining is simple.点击这里 订阅. Simply type subscribe in the subject box and in the body of the text, type subscribe.

    NAGC Nicholas Green Distinguished Student Awards - The National Association for Gifted Children Nicholas Green Distinguished Student Awards program recognizes excellence in young children between the grades of 3 and 6 who have distinguished themselves in academic achievement, 领导, or the visual or performing arts.

    Awards will be made annually to one student in each 状态. The awards brings with it a $500 US Savings Bond and a certificate of excellence from the National Association for Gifted Children. NAGC will accept self-nominations and nominations from parents, 老师, 学生, 社区和市民团体.