• 狂热的标志
    • 什么是狂热的?
      Advancement Via Individual Determination (狂热的) is a global nonprofit 组织 that operates with one guiding principle: hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge. 狂热的’s 大学 Readiness System brings research-based curriculum and strategies to students each day that develop critical thinking, 读写能力, and math skills across all content areas.

      狂热的 is schoolwide when a strong 狂热的 system transforms the 指令, 系统, 领导, and 文化 of a school, ensuring college readiness for all 狂热的选择性 students and improved academic performance for all students based on increased opportunities.
      • 指令: Entire instructional staff utilizes 狂热的 strategies, other best instructional practices, and 21st century tools to ensure college readiness for 狂热的选择性 students and improved academic performance for all students. 
      • 系统: 系统 are in place that support governance, curriculum and instruction, data collection and analysis, professional learning, and student and parent outreach to ensure college readiness for 狂热的选择性 students and improved academic performance for all students. 
      • 领导: School leadership sets the vision and tone to promote college readiness and high expectations for all students in the school. 
      • 文化: School’s beliefs and behaviors which reflect and demonstrate an increase in the number of students meeting college readiness requirements.

    狂热的 Secondary starts with an elective class for one period a day, where students learn 组织al and study skills, work on critical thinking and asking probing questions, get academic help from peers and college tutors, and participate in enrichment and motivational activities that make college seem attainable.

    The 狂热的 curriculum, based on rigorous standards, was developed by middle and high school teachers in 协作 with college professors. It is based on best teaching practices in writing, 调查, 协作, 组织, 和阅读, and it is supported by state and national content standards. 狂热的 curriculum is used in the 狂热的选择性 and content-area classes in 狂热的 schools to guide teachers and students, while planning strategies for success, by focusing on time management and study skills.